Gynaecological and Ultrasound Private Surgery Debrecen, Hungary dr János Zatik

  gynaecologist dr János Zatik 48 Szent Anna u. Debrecen, Hungary    

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János Zatik, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant professor


Szent Anna Women's OB/GYN and Ultrasound Outpatient Clinic
48 Szent Anna utca
Debrecen, Hungary


4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
by appointments



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Bartholin Gland Cysts and Abscesses

Depo Provera contraceptive injection

Dilatations and Curettage (D&C) and quick form of endometrium biopsy with local anestesia

Flying during pregnancy

Genital Warts (Condyloma Acuminata, Anogenital Warts, Penile Warts, Venereal Warts)

IUD - The hormon free IUD and IUD with progestogen IUS-IntraUterine System (Mirena, Jaydess, Skyla, Levosert, Donasert)

LEEP Procedure

Myoma - Unnecessary hysterectomy and revolution at the treatment of fibroids (leiomioma)

Urinary Incontinence and Overactive Bladder (OAB)

Price list in Euro




Welcome to Website of János Zatik, M.D., Ph.D.


Mr. János Zatik, M.D., Ph.D. was born in 1961. He educated (1976-1980) at the Benedictine grammar school of the Archabbey of Pannonhalma (it is the centre of the Hungarian Benedictine Congregation and it is the part of the UNESCO World Heritage). The school is one of the eight Catholic secondary schools which could survive even during the years of Communism in Hungary. He qualified in medicine in 1986 (M.D.) at the Debrecen University (1980-1986). Mr. Zatik worked at the Department of Pathology of the University Debrecen from 1986-1989 as a pathologist resident. He started specialising in gynaecology in 1989. From 1989 he has been working at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Debrecen University (1989-1993 as a gynaecologist resident, 1993-2001 as a graduate assistant gynaecologist and from 2001 as an assistant professor). He is a qulified obstetrican and gynaecologist since 1992. He specialised in ultrasound in obsterics and gynaecology too. He recived the Ph.D. degree in medicine (Ultarasound) in 2001. He educated and graduateed as an economist from the University of Szeged with a degree in Medical economics and management (1998-2001). He is married to Judit Vas and they have four children (Zita 1990, Anna 1992, János 1994, Vilmos 1997).


PicLens compatible


The Szent Anna Women's OB/GYN and Ultrasound Outpatient Clinic located on 48th Szent Anna utca, in the central district of Debrecen. It is an archaistic, old-style building but well and modern equipped. The building was renovated not a long time ago. You can park at the clinic and you can see here (with maps) how to get the place.
We offer a complete obstetrical and gynaecological services for women at any ages.

Services include:

Gynaecological Services

Routine annual gynaecologic exams including pelvic, breast

LEEP Procedure to Treat Cervical Dysplasia

Screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases

PAP test and treatment for abnormal pap smears

Annual physical examinations

Laboratory examinations

Sexual counselling

Teenager counselling

Evaluation for and scheduling of major and minor gynaecologic surgeries

Smaller operations and interventions

Skin tag and wart removal

Incision and drainage of localized infections

Evaluation for and scheduling of major and minor gynaecologic surgeries.
Major operations are made by dr János Zatik M.D. Ph.D at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Debrecen University.

Family Planning

Cancer screening for cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancer

Tumormarker examinations (CA125, CEA, AFP)

Testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STD's)

Infertility examination, diagnostics and treatment

Birth control methods

Contraception counselling

IUD insertion and removing

Obstetrical Care

Pre-pregnancy counselling: medical, dietary and social service counselling

Pregnancy testing

Prenatal Care

Initial evaluation

High-risk screening

Routine and high-risk prenatal care


Education, and postpartum follow-up care

Referral services including genetic counselling and fetal diagnostic services

“Triple” (4!) test: AFP-HCG-PAP-SAP

Ultrasound examinations

For more information or an appointment, please call (+36) 20-928-7023 or send an e-mail.

E-mail address:



Szent Anna Women's OB/GYN and Ultrasound Outpatient Clinic - 48 Szent Anna utca
Debrecen, Hungary
János Zatik, M.D., Ph.D. assistant professor -
