Depo Provera contraceptive injection - Dr. Zatik János nőgyógyász

  Dr. Zatik János szülész-nőgyógyász Debrecen Szent Anna nőgyógyászati magánrendelő Debrecen    


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Depo Provera contraceptive injection

Depo Provera contraceptive injection

Depo-Provera ( medroxyprogesterone acetate,) is a contraceptive injection for women that contains the hormone progestin. Depo-Provera is given as an injection once every three months injected deep into the muscle.injected by a doctor into the woman's arm or buttocks. Each shot provides protection against pregnancy for up to 13 weeks, but the shot must be received once every 12 weeks to remain fully protected. Depo-Provera suppresses ovulation, keeping your ovaries from releasing an ovum (egg). Depo-Provera also thickens cervical mucus to keep sperm from reaching the ovum (egg)

You'll need a prescription from your doctor or other health care provider, but you can get the injection and the prescription at my surgery. Birth control with Depo-Provera begins immediately after the first injection if given within the first five days of the menstrual period. Depo-Provera is very effective in preventing pregnancy (99%). But it does not prevent  against STDs (AIDIS-HIV, HBSAG,Chlamydia )

Most women can use Depo-Provera. It is not highly recommended, or only after consultation with your gynecologist  in case if you have: Unexplained vaginal bleeding, liver disease, breast cance,Thrombisis or active blood clots.

Side Effects Associated With Depo-Provera

Depo-Provera can cause very rarely side effects, including: Most of the side effects are not common, but  but change in the menstrual cycle is the most common. The patient may experience irregular bleeding or spotting after the first 2-3 injection, but after six months of use,it will be not spotting and  about  80% of women will stop getting their periods(amenorrhea). Their periods usually return after 3 months time when they stop the treatment. There are some very rare sideffects: Headaches at the first weeks, nervousness, dizziness, changes in appetite. Long term use  of Depo-Provera may result in loss of  bone mineral density, increasing the risk of osteoporosis, particularly when other risk factors for osteoporosis exist, such as family history nutrition problems, sedentary lifestyle,chronic alcohol and/or tobacco use. It is advised that all women on Depo-Provera get adequate calcium and Vitamin D (diet and supplements) to help avoid osteoporosis.

The Advantages of Depo-Provera

There are several advantages to using Depo-Provera:You don't have to remember to take the pill every day or use it before sex, you get a long-term protection It It's very effective (99.9%).It is cheaper than pills. No estrogen. No increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), stroke, or myocardial infarction. Minimal drug interactions (compared to other hormonal contraceptives). Decreased risk of endometrial cancer. Depo-Provera reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by 80%. The reduced risk of endometrial cancer in Depo-Provera users is thought to be due to both the direct anti-proliferative effect of progestogen on the endometrium and the indirect reduction of estrogen levels by suppression of ovarian follicular development. Decreased risk of iron deficiency anemia, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy, and uterine fibroids. Decreased symptoms of endometriosis.Decreased incidence of primary dysmenorrhea, ovulation pain, and functional ovarian cysts.

The Disadvantages of Depo-Provera

It does not  protect against sexually transmitted diseases(STD) It can cause irregular menstrual periods, specially at the beggining. Ask for a consultation  to determinate if Depo-Provera is  the right method  for you.



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